Friday, February 22, 2013

Support System

Happy Friday, Ya'll!

As we're heading into the weekend, I kind of want to ramble about support systems and why they are important, regardless of the source. 

Healthy living is a journey that shouldn't be done alone. Plain and simple, when you have a support system you will be much more successful. Your support system doesn't have to be a personal trainer, 5k followers on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter/etc, heck, your support system doesn't even have to be your family, BUT, it does need to exist.

I have been very blessed to have a husband who has been beyond amazing throughout this journey. The poor man (who by fault of a childhood accident) is a super super picky eater, but, to be supportive he has tried several new crazy recipes I've made, tried foods he wouldn't five years ago, and has tried to get on board with eating better himself. Having just that one person made all the difference in the world.

So you don't have a significant other? Find that friend who you know has your back, ASK FOR HELP. It's ok, I promise. Nobody out there is judging you for wanting to get healthy. Friends were always my biggest downfall when it came to eating right. When I lived in Hawaii, I worked from home as did a few of my good friends. It is very easy to get off track by going out to lunch or dinner. I was very much the type to eat a cheat meal on Thursday and be off the wagon until Sunday. I am not blaming my friends for my lack of control, but, it is very hard to be social when your friends don't eat the same. Granted, this was a couple years go, it's amazing how friends will support you and keep you on track. I now have friends who want to do lunch but ask me what I can/can't eat because they don't want to "ruin" my eating. It means a lot to have people really care about what I am eating. I don't expect a single person to be in charge of what I am putting in my body, besides me, but, having that extra support keeps me on track.

Support = Motivation. When I started this journey, I kept quiet and kept my photos to myself. I changed that one day by posting my before / after of only 10-15lbs. The amount of support and kind words I received from close friends, people I went to high school with, people I didn't know was INCREDIBLE. All the support I receive is what keeps me going. Knowing people are "watching" me makes me want to keep going, to not be the quitter I used to be. Honestly. If you have EVER said anything nice to me about my journey, you have motivated me. I really 100% believe in trying to pay that support forward. I want people to know that no matter how much weight they have or haven't lost, they are doing great, because they are. So if you are out there, no matter what you've lost or have to lose, KEEP IT UP. You are doing AWESOME.

The most incredible thing I finally realized this morning is that when it comes to health and fitness, nobody wants to see you fail. I used to go to the gym feeling unnoticed and like someone who was completely invisible to the world. This morning, an older gentleman who I have seen working out with his two buddies, came up to me and complimented me on how much work I put in. I don't expect anyone I don't know to say "WAY TO GO" but to finally have it "click" that people aren't always judging was a true eye opener.

Just because you feel invisible doesn't mean you are.
Just because someone is looking at you doesn't mean they are judging you.

Everyone in a gym has at least one thing in common: They value their health (or so I would assume). Those people will become your support system. Whether they know it or not.

If you have NOBODY else in this world to be your cheerleader, I will be that person for you because EVERYONE deserves to have someone in their corner.

Till next time! Make Healthy Choices and be supportive to eachother!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Take me or Leave me, but do NOT try me..

So the other day, I made a post about there being no such thing as a "magic" weight loss pill.

I am not wavering on my feelings on that. But, I am going to kind of spin off of that with something a little more clear on my stance.

First and foremost, that post was not meant to discourage any single person out there from attempting to gain a healthy lifestyle. My blog was meant to be an eye opener for those who think that the latest fad diet pill isn't always what it's cracked up to be. No matter what your stance on it is, anything you are doing should always be accompanied by a HEALTHY diet and exercise plan.

I will not stand for someone trying to make me feel like a bad person because I "discourage" the use of gimmick products. That is an absolutely unfair thing to do. I have busted my butt to get where I am despite my health issues, time constraints, being in the middle of a transpacific / transatlantic move, not being able to prep my meals fully, etc. I will not stand for someone to make me feel ill about my priorities.

When I first started my journey in July of 2012, I was gearing up for a move from Hawaii to Italy, working full time/running a business, running my household affairs (cleaning, cooking, laundry, errands, etc), etc. I had issues justifying the gym being a priority. I cried in front of my husband. I told him how I felt bad that I wanted to go to the gym when he was home because I wanted to spend time with him. I had a very hard time prioritizing everything. It was when he finally told me that health and happiness are number one that it all clicked. I had to make my priorities and make a schedule.

Here was a typical day in Hawaii for me
4-430am: Wake up
5-630am: Gym
9a-12p Work
1p-4pm: Household Affairs
5pm-Bed: Family time.

You will notice that there is a lot of in between time. That time allows for spur of the moment errands, social time, etc. I had to MAKE time for the gym in order for it to not affect my work and my time with my husband, but, it was the best change I ever made in my life. I woke up with a mission. I went through my day with a plan. I felt at peace.

Now, I am in Florida until our final move to Italy. For the first time in years I have to pay for a gym. I don't have my own space, routine, etc. But, I do it because my health is a priority. When we get to Italy, this won't change. I will probably be in a hotel on the base and will more than likely have to walk to the gym until we get a car, but, I will do that, because this is a LIFESTYLE.

Now, with all that being said, I will say that the second someone tells me what I do doesn't work for them, I will agree... to a point. How I eat to lose weight will not work for everyone. The supplements I do take may not be for everyone. That's ok. Every person is different and I know that. I will NEVER discourage anyone from trying something "new" to lose weight IF they are doing the research and trying legitimate products. If you are serious about losing weight, even if it is by pills/drinks/etc, the only thing I really 100% endorse is doing your research and finding legitimate products, because they are out there. But, with anything you do, it should always be backed with healthy eating and exercise.

Food for thought: A one hour workout is 4% of your day.

I  have seen some remarkable examples of people who defy the odds against them from a single mother of 3 to a Marine Veteran who is an amputee and recovering alcoholic. Do not try and tell me that there are people who don't have time to workout or "can't" work out because of an injury. If you have an injury, the BEST resource for good exercises are personal trainers and physical therapists who are knowledgeable in the injury you have.

Nobody said this was going to be easy, so don't try and take the easy way out. I promise you, it is so much more rewarding knowing how flipping hard you worked for that banging bod than it is to have used some fad diet pill or gimmicky wrap.

I will always ENCOURAGE those who are on a health journey and be so indebted to those who encourage me on a daily basis. Thank you to everyone who has said kind encouraging words to me over the last 8 months. Thank you to everyone who has lit a fire under my ass and motivated me THAT much more. Thank you to everyone who said I couldn't do something. Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU!

If you are starting your journey, I can only pray that I have inspired you just an ounce to work for what you want and at minimum research products you are wanting to take. If you ever have any questions about anything, leave me a comment! <3

Till next time! Make healthy choices<3

Monday, February 18, 2013

There is no "Magic Pill"

Ladies and gentleman, I am going to break it to you right now... THERE IS NO MAGIC PILL.
Wait, did I really say that? YES. Sure, there are an abundance of companies that advertise "RAPID" weight loss and or results, but, is rapid always a good thing? NO.

Healthy weight loss is around 1-2lbs per week (source: CDC). Do people lose more than that? Absolutely. Did I have some weeks where I lost more than that? Yes. I will always be honest with you about my journey.

My big drops came from a drastic dietary change and getting off my ass. I went from eating 2000+ calories a day and not exercising. Ok, 2,000 calories may be high- maybe not. I was eating crap. McDonald's, Jack in the Box, Taco Bell, Starbucks, Outback, etc. Granted these places do offer "healthy" alternatives, lets be real, one does not get to be over 200 lbs by eating the healthy options. I did not take any form of pill to lose weight.

So back to these "magic" pills... and why I can't stand them. They do NOT promote healthy weight loss. They promote LAZY weight loss. Would I have loved to not work out, still be eating chicken nuggets and have lost the weight I have? Absofreakinglutely. But here's the problem, you are still improperly fueling your body and the second you stop these "magic" pills, the "magic" stops. You have not changed anything but maybe the amount you are eating. These companies are not offering you a healthy lifestyle, they are offering you a temporary fix to a permanent problem.

Do you even know what you are taking and what the side effects could be? I keep hearing and seeing things for this "A.C.E" company, so, today I googled them and the ingredients. Livestrong actually did a nice little article on their product. It's a good read. I'll give you the readers digest.

Saba for Life is advertising the "A.C.E" product as a NATURAL, healthy weight loss product that will aide in your weight loss through appetite suppression and extra energy. Reading further, there are some reviews, one customer claims to have lost 37 lbs in 11 weeks, that's nearly 3.5 lbs a week.  Ok, I'm pulling out my bullshit card right now. Unless that person paired their pills with a very healthy diet, my opinion is that they are probably not nourished properly because they are still eating the same way they were, just less. Crap food is crap food no matter how you spin it folks. Let's get to the "natural" issue. There are ingredients in their pills that are NOT natural. Their product contains "1,3-Dimethylamylamine" which is actually a SYNTHETICALLY made ingredient though many companies claim it is derived from geranium oil. (source:  WebMD). There is always the risk of side effects: causing your medications not work properly, intaking too much B6 (their pill contains 400% of the daily value) which can cause nerve damage, other ingredients can cause an autoimmune disease to become more active, and oh, it can lead to high cholesterol (source: LiveStrong). I don't see anything healthy about that.

Unfortunately, A.C.E is only one of many pills, I just happened to have a newsfeed overloaded with their product recently so I picked them to rant about.

Any person striving to get healthy and lose weight should consider making the appropriate DIETARY changes: eat clean, eat in moderation, eat to lose weight, etc. Eating clean eliminates a lot of the crap since you are eating whole, unprocessed foods. Moderation is key! Do I love chocolate, starbucks, and bad food still? You bet your sweet ass I do! But, in moderation. I don't need the 500 calorie loaded up with sugar and crap frappuccino! I opt for a healthy option. If you want to lose weight, yes, you do need to eat less. But eat more frequently. This alone will help you lose weight because it naturally boosts your metabolism! Though, my disclaimer: I suck at eating 5-7 times a day. But I'm working on it. And for the love of baby Jesus, GET MOVING!!!!! 30 minutes of light to moderate exercise will make a WORLD of difference when paired with that healthy diet you're eating. You will have extra energy. You will sleep better. You will lose weight. It really is that simple.

Now. I know there is at least one person who will call me out on the fact I do take supplements. You're absolutely right. I do now. I take a pre workout drink to help me get through my workouts, lift heavier, and enhance my athletic abilities. AKA : Gain lean muscle mass and get toned. I recently (and I mean RECENTLY) added a fat loss optimizer to the mix to help burn that stubborn fat. BUT, here is the deal. No where on the companies description will you find an advertisement for rapid weight loss. I will even GLADLY provide you the links for the PreWorkout and Fat Burner that I use. I also plan to discontinue the use of the Fat Burner once my supply is out because it is not meant to be used as continued use. Those of you who follow me also know that I am not relying solely on either of these products to make me thin. I bust my ass day in and day out at the gym and eat well. Though, I do love a good cheeseburger and dessert!
The moral of the story, if you want to lose weight: EAT CLEAN AND TRAIN MEAN. If you want to use supplements, GET LEGITIMATE products that aren't advertising RAPID results. RAPID=TEMPORARY.
And when you are tempted to give in and buy those "magic" pills remind yourself THERE IS NO SUCH THING.Till next time, ya'll.. Make smart choices!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Tips for Success!

I got a request over at my Facebook on how and what to prep so you can ensure success through out the week.

First off, my biggest tip is to PLAN. What do you want to eat? What are you going to snack on? What are your fall plans if your plan A doesn't work?

Every Thursday-Saturday, I start (well try to start) planning the meals for the following Sunday-Saturday. For me, I generally only need to plan snacks, lunches, dinners because I eat a grab n go breakfast on the way to the gym.

I won't be sharing my specific menu with you because what works for me is a direct reflection of my health issues. You have to find what works for you and master it. Low carb isn't for everyone. Low calorie isn't for everyone. Low fat isn't for everyone. The point of that is this: What works specifically for me, will not always work for the next person.  There is however, something that does work for EVERYONE... it's EATING CLEAN and prepping.

Once you have your menu planned and you've done your shopping, it's PREP time. But the question is what do you prep? That is a personal preference question. I know some people who prep every single meal for the week, put it in their containers and are set. I'm not like that. There are a few reasons, the main one being my current living situation. I am staying with my parents and have limited space. But, I do prep a few things.

-Grilled Chicken, Sliced Strawberries, Hard boiled eggs, Tuna Salad (this week at least), energy bites.

I love grilled chicken. It's clean, healthy, filling, yum yum goodness! I grill/pan cook (no oil) about 5-6 chicken breasts, cut them up into little slices/chunks and put in their container. Having chicken cooked and cut up means that when I want lunch, I just grab a few other things and toss into a wrap or salad and call it good.

I use a LOT of strawberries throughout the week in my protein smoothies and greek yogurt, so it saves me a lot of time and excuses during the week to just cut up a carton on Sundays. During the week, all I have to do is grab my measuring cup, scoop, and enjoy.

Eggs. Oh my. I love a hard boiled egg like the fat me loved cake. (That's a lot of lovin!) I hard boil  between 6-8 on Sunday and sometimes more during the week when I run out. They are great for snacks, Avoegg salad, putting on salads. They are just great to have on hand. I don't care about the cholesterol level because well, it's impossible to have low everything and I have impeccable cholesterol.

Energy bites. Nomm! I'll be sharing that recipe this week! They are awesome for a preworkout grab and go. I eat about 2 a day and prepping 24 at a time. So for something that takes me very little time to make and lasts me that long, you can't go wrong.

Obviously- my prepping here at my parents is very very different than what my preppy was in my own house, but, the key is to plan and prep. It took me about an hour today, but saved me more than that for this coming week :) I call that a win!

Think about it... If you have a plan, the food is prepped, and your hungry... What is your excuse to eat poorly? You don't have one. Take the excuses to go get FatDonalds (yes, I called it that) out of your life and I guarantee it is a LOT easier to avoid that place. I haven't had FatDonalds since I got back on track around the 4th of January. For those of you who knew the heavy me... You know how big of an accomplishment that is.

Keep your house stocked with goodness: fresh fruit, fresh veggies, lean protein sources, whole grains if your a carb eater, and minimal processed foods and even if you aren't in the mood for what you prepped, you have good stuff on hand.

In another blog, I'll let you know how I made the switch to clean(er) eating. It's radical! But until then, start your planning and prepping! Let me know how it goes!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

AvoEgg Salad Flatout | LowCarb Recipe

So as I kinda posted about earlier this week, I wanted to challenge myself to finding "healthy" recipes and making them even more clean and healthy. Up first, is a recipe from Gina over at SkinnyTaste. We're talking about yummy Avocado Egg Salad here folks!

While the original recipe is far healthier than traditional egg salad which is loaded up with mayo, I really want to spend this year focusing on cleaner eating and acquiring new taste buds. I also love things that are super simple and have minimal ingredient lists. So that's exactly what I did my adapted version of the AvoEgg Salad.

By the way, when you look at the nutritional values, do NOT be scared of the fat content. Avocados are extremely high in fat, but, its the GOOD fat. Yes, there is such a thing ;)

Serves 1 (if you want to serve more, simply multiply by number of people being served.
Nutriton Facts (egg salad ONLY)
Calories: 344
Total Fat: 26g
Sat. Fat: 6.2g
Cholest. 424mg
Sodium: 252.1mg
Carbohydrates: 14.4g
Fiber: 8.7g
Protein: 16.1g

-2 large hardboiled eggs
-1/2 medium hass avocado
-1 stalk celery chopped
-1tbsp spicy brown mustard
Optional add ins: 
-onion (red, yellow, white, green, whatever you please)
-garlic powder
-salt / pepper to taste

-Place spicy mustard, 1/2 avocado and 2 eggs in bowl and mash together. I use a pretty sweet "potato masher" that works amazing (especially if they eggs are freshly hard boiled vs out of the fridge).
-Toss in celery (and other optional add ins!) and mix with a fork.
-Toss in a pita pocket, tortilla wrap, flat out, whatever, and then ENJOY!

Let me know what you guys think!


Monday, February 4, 2013

ChocoStrawberry Protein Smoothie

Happy Motivation Monday!

Have you gotten your workout in yet? I have! I did 45 minutes cardio and then 45 minutes of weight training! Today was dedicated to LEGGGSSSS!

Anyways, you really just want a recipe, so here we go. This is one of my FAVORITE post workout treats. I say treat, because, let's be real! It tastes like dessert. Dessert at 930am? YES PLEASE.

It's a simple 5 ingredients:
-1c Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk
-1/2c Fresh Sliced Strawberries
-1 scoop Chocolate Whey Protein Powder (I use Optimum Nutrition)
-2tbsp Ground Flaxseed
-Ice (I start with 3-4 long ice cubes and add until I get my desired consistency)

(One awesome reason to come to central Florida during this time of year... Super fresh and tasty strawberries for not so much money!)

The instructions are fairly simple as well: Place it in the blender and blend. Then ENJOY!

Nutrition Stats (made with the above ingredients):
Calories: 287
Total Fat: 11.7g
Sat. Fat: 0.5g
Cholesterol: 30mg
Sodium: 280mg
Carbohydrates: 17.4g
Fiber: 5.7g
Protein: 28.6g

Obviously the Flaxseed is optional, but, it has a TON of amazing benefits and in all honesty you can't taste. Some of the awesome benefits include:
-Great source of fiber
-May lower blood pressure
-May lower triglycerides
-May help with improving cholesterol levels
-May aid in cancer prevention
(source & more reading Here)

All in all it doesn't hurt a thing to add it in :)

Enjoy ya'll and let me know what you think :)


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Long Time, No Post.

Hello All!

It's been a terribly long time since I have posted.

Let's do a quick catch up before I let ya'll know what's in store for 2013!

Catch up time : It has been about 4 months since I posted and another 20lbs are gone. I am currently, to date around 42 pounds down. I have set another few goals: 45, 50, and maybe even 55 pounds total loss. We (my amazing Mr.) and I have left the beautiful land of Aloha. He is in California for training and I am in Florida where I grew up. I am currently focusing on building muscle and getting leaner. Another big focus of mine currently is eating much cleaner. I have been finding copious amounts of joy in finding recipes and trying new things. It's also a fun challenge for me to find a "dirty" meal and see if I can make it clean and tasty!

Goals for 2013: Getting to a maintenance weight, Maintaining healthy and clean eating throughout the process of moving to Italy, posting more :)

I hope to blog at least 1 recipe a week. Ideally speaking, I'd like to challenge myself to finding recipes that need some "cleaning" up and focus on those!

Since I have already made one this year (but I failed to write down what I did and take photos), I will start with that recipe next week :) Be on the the look out!

But, for now, let's get some update progress photos for you guys :)

Just as reminder, the first photo is a before taken in November 2011 before I made some life changes. The photo marked Jun 2012 is "THE" photo that I saw that made me realize how out of control I had gotten!

I can't wait to share more progress, recipes, stories, etc! But, I'd love even more to hear what YOU want to see :)
